Saturday, August 11, 2012

This Just In

A three-meat veggie sub to tide you over until Bison Burger Blowout 2012 (Las Cruces Airport Ramada, 09/13/12-09/15/12):

(1)  "My Hawaiian Shirts," a Finalist in Paper Darts' inaugural Short Fiction Award!  Thanks to the PD crew and judge Amelia Gray for bumpin' it. 

(2)  "Exit Interview," creepin' on your frontal lobe at Marco Polo Arts Magazine.  Large ups to Darin for wedging this one in, and next to some truly stunning work.  Purdy on the page and in your retinas.

(3)  "The Best Jeans For Your Body Type," measuring your inseam over at Spork Press.  Viele danke lobbed Joel's way for taking a chance on this tenacious lil' scrapper. 

Thank you, and may you and yours enjoy a great meal at a reasonable price at a time that makes sense.