Thursday, November 26, 2009

Givin' Thanks 'n Shit

What am I thankful for today? A couple things come to mind, namely (a) the Jewel-brand microwave popcorn I ate the fuck out of last night while watching Kia's NBA Shootaround and (b) the music of Steven Seagal:

But I'd be remiss not to take this opportunity to extend long-distance propers to the irrepressible swag-masters at Thieves Jargon. They've included "The Creep," a story about unruly downstairs neighbors that fancy themselves our generation's Woodie Guthrie, in their latest issue (#125). Peep it here:

Don't bogart the green bean casserole today.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Boo Ya

Mondays are supposed to suck. You're not supposed to be notified by the wonderful people at Glimmer Train that you're a Finalist for their Best Start contest for September 2009. Yet, here we are:

Swish! Long-range jumper. Take that, endless string of boring-ass legal documents.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's Hard to Hold a Candle in the Cold November Rain

It's also hard to be at work on a Saturday. Really hard. But it's made easier when the fine folks at Dogzplot inform you that your piece is up:

Read it. It will make you thankful for your still-living pets.

Happy Birthday, Jenny.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Anchors Aweigh!

Let's just get this obligatory, awkward first post out of the way, shall we?
More soon. Pinky swear.